L’agence The Home partenaire de l’APE de Jouques – La Kermesse arrive…

Nous avons le plaisir de vous annoncer que la kermesse organisée par l'Association des Parents d'Elèves de Jouques sera le Dimanche 11 Juin 2023 à partir de 15h. L'agence immobilière The Home, est une fois de plus très fière d'être partenaire de l'APE et de participer à la kermesse pour la joie de nos enfants et des parents. Nous vous attendons nombreux pour ce moment de...

L’agence immobilière Jouques – The Home ouvre ses portes !

We’re pleased to reveal that The Home, estate agency Jouques has opened its doors. Come in and make yourself at home. Created by experienced estate agent Michael Cohen, who has a wealth of experience as an estate agent throughout the PACA region, The Home is a new kind of estate agency. A breath of fresh air for the estate agency world. Unpretentious, down-to-earth, and honest, The Home and its estate agents are dedicated to helping clients find their ideal home. Whether it’s a village house in Jouques, or a villa by the sea, or an apartment in the heart of Aix-en-Provence, the team will take the time to help you find the ideal place to call home. Get in touch here if you’d like to arrange a meeting.

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